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test event 01

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test event 01
test event 01


2023年3月29日 下午7:00

TPAC108, 香港大埔安邦路12號



Firstly, it's important to establish the goals of the therapy session. What are the specific outcomes you want to achieve? Is it to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, promote relaxation, promote socialization, or increase attention and focus? Once you have identified your goals, you can choose appropriate activities and music to support these outcomes.  Here's a rough plan for a 60-min music therapy event to help you get started:  1. Welcome and introductions (5 mins) - Introduce yourself and explain the purpose of the session - Have everyone introduce themselves and share a bit about why they are here  2. Warm-up activities (10 mins) - Do some simple exercises to get everyone moving and engaged - Use music with a rhythmic beat to encourage movement and coordination - Incorporate breathing exercises or yoga poses to promote relaxation  3. Singing and music-making activities (20 mins) - Choose songs or instruments that are familiar to participants - Use call-and-response or simple melodies that are easy to follow - Encourage participants to experiment and explore with different instruments or voices  4. Guided relaxation and mindfulness (15 mins) - Use calming music and guided imagery to promote relaxation and reduce stress - Encourage participants to focus on their breath and release any tension in their body - Use affirmations or positive statements to promote a sense of well-being  5. Closing and feedback (10 mins) - Thank everyone for participating and sharing their energy - Ask for feedback on the session and if anyone has any comments, questions or thoughts to share - Provide information on any follow-up sessions or resources  Overall, it's important to be flexible and responsive to the needs of participants. Be prepared to make adjustments and changes to the activities as needed. Good luck with your music therapy event!


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